Friday, February 5, 2010

2/5/10 The Gate

Since I got to the city a bit early this morning, I stopped at the beach in front of the St. Francis Yacht Club and grabbed a few shots of the bridge.


jean lustgarten said...

I love the way the wave breaks. It takes my eye up to the bridge. Nice job!

Denise Olrich said...

This was all about the wave break, so I am glad that you totally "get" this photo! I have to confess that I suffered for this shot. Slipped on some sand covered steps and went down - so then I had to clean up for my meeting (well, after a few dozen more shots). But I could not hide the cut on my hand, which was bleeding. (Don't worry, I bandaged it up when I got home that night and it is fine now.)

jean lustgarten said...

Nobody EVER said this is easy! hahaha, hope your hand is doing well! But it was worth it!